Children will draw a picture of themselves when they start Reception.
The picture is added to their learning journey.
It is lovely to compare their drawings from starting Reception, to the end of Reception.
Includes 3 Word Level Pictures and sentences to read.
Laminate and use as pairs/snap/splat etc.
Adult must encourage the child to say the sentence correctly. Repeat the sentence correctly. Tick off the sentences and date when the child is able to read them correctly.
Early Years - Reception Writing Template
Genre - Instruction Writing
How to play a triangle.
Our topic was music/sound - ‘What’s that sound?’
We had a letter from Y2 asking us to teach them how to play a triangle.
We played the triangle.
We wrote instructions as a class on an A2 piece of sugar paper.
3 Differentiated worksheets
Top group - write sentences independently - word mat to help with tricky spellings. Draw pictures of each step independently.
Middle group - fill in the missing bossy verb (word mat included but you can add your own).
Lower group - cut and stick the pictures and writing in order. They were able to order the numbers.
Early Years & Year 1 Literacy
CVC Word Bingo
Staff member will need to orally segment CVC words - e.g. pig ‘p - i - g’. Children will need to orally blend the word and then look for the picture on their board. When all 4 pictures have been called out, shout out ‘BINGO’ to win the game.
I’ve included a Word Document (editable) and the PDF copy (cannot edit).
Assessments Included:
Cutting skills
DCD skills
High Frequency Words
Number Formation
Number Recognition
Word document (Editable) and PDF copy included
Early Years Literacy
Sorting words with digraphs into a table
th sh ch ng
ng ai ee
igh oa oo oo
ar or ur
I’ve included the editable Word document and a PDF copy.
Phonics - EYFS/Reception/Year 1
Queen’s Jubilee
We were learning about money. We linked it to the Queen’s Jubilee.
The children need to match the value of the stamp to the correct postcard.
e.g. Miss West’s stamp is 19p. Can you find 19p? Can you make 10p using coins? How many ways can you make 19p?
We used this in the provision whilst learning about the Jubilee.
Then we wrote our own postcards about what we enjoyed during the Jubilee celebration.
Our genre was instruction writing.
Each task is differentiated.
Introduction - use a big piece of sugar paper and ask the children to tell me what to write. We talked about the features that we needed to include (title, numbered points, pictures to illustrate what happened).
3 tasks - Instructions to make bread, instructions to plant potatoes, instructions to plant onions
MAT - copy from a model/word mat/independent writing
Top group - use a word mat to find the correct bossy verb. Fill in the gap. Draw pictures to illustrate each step.
Middle group - cut out each step and stuck them in order. Draw pictures to illustrate each step.
Bottom group - I took photos of each activity and they cut them out and glued them in order. A member of staff wrote what they said about each picture.
Reception Worksheets - Cornerstones Topic - ‘What’s that sound?’
Instruction Writing - how to play a triangle PDF
3 differentiated worksheets/activities
Top group - use the writing template to scaffold writing. Children write independently using the word mat to start with bossy verbs. Draw pictures to illustrate writing.
Middle group - Draw pictures to illustrate writing. Children just need to choose the correct bossy verb to include at the start of their sentences. Word mat included.
Lower group - cut and stick activity. Children could draw their own pictures to illustrate the writing for further differentiation.
Recognising capital letters - highlight the letters that they recognise. Easy indicator of what letters to work on.
Reading zero to twenty. Tick when children are able to read these key words.
I do these assessments at the end of each full term. I then make groups of children to focus on similar sounds/numbers.
There is also a differentiated follow up maths worksheet for children to practise reading the numbers zero to twenty.